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This guide gives an overview of sources on law

Academic Legal Tools

Students and staff at Erasmus University have access to many resources like articles and handbooks. Most sections of the Library Guide provide an overview of the available resources for a specific legal field, grouped by subject.

This section is different: it lists the tools to use these resources.

  • Content integrators are platforms providing access to legal materials from the platforms of a multitude of (Dutch) publishers. These platforms index the publishers' platforms and either provide direct access or link to the materials on the publishers' platforms.
  • Library catalogues for searching and finding materials
  • Guides and manuals on how to write and cite
  • Dictionaries for translations and Encyclopedia for background information
  • Metrics to measure impact.

The library also provides instructions on using these tools; guides on how to search catalogues, practical writing and citing tips, how to prepare for research, the how to use metrics for both reviewing and publishing. Please visit our Information Skills.

When a library or institution does not own the sources needed, there are 3 options; private purchase, institutional purchase, and Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

ILL is the system through which libraries exchange documents and resources in their collection. The system is limited by pre-arranged agreements regarding the services, which differ from library to library. 

The Erasmus University Library also participates in this system: Borrowing from another library

Finding law dictionaries

Go to the sEURch box below. Type in (or copy and paste):
SU=(law dictionaries) then hit the Search button.
The search results are returned in a new browser tab or window. This search will find all items tagged with the subject heading Law--Dictionaries. Filter on format eBook for online dictionaries. Sort search result by Date (Newest first) to see recent eBook titles.

Publications at Erasmus University

Oefening baart kunst: onderzoeken, argumenteren en presenteren voor juristen

Erasmus University Library
Sanders Law Library
Paper Copy

Onderzoeksvaardigheden : instructie voor juristen

Erasmus University Library
Sanders Law Library
Paper copy