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Course Research Impacts: Scopus


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Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, created by Elsevier. It was launched in 2004.


Over 29.000 active peer-reviewed journals are covered, but also book series and conference proceedings are indexed in Scopus. In the Content Coverage Guide (available on this page) you can find the criteria for title selection: they include the editorial policy of the journal, the citedness of the journal in Scopus, online availability etc.

Cited references in Scopus go back to 1970. You can find older articles - the backfiles of major publishers have been added to Scopus - but not their references.

In Fall 2013 Scopus started to add books. More than 335.000 books have been added so far. You can download the 'Book Title List' on the bottom of this page.

Scopus uses four broad subject areas: Physical sciences, Health sciences, Social Sciences and Life Sciences. These are further divided into 27 major subject areas and over 300 minor subject areas. To view a list of the current classification scheme, download the 'Source Title List' on the bottom of this page. In the Excel-file go to the sheet ASJC Classification Codes.


You can access Scopus on campus and off-campus, via EZproxy or EduVPN/Forticlient All Traffic or by using the 'Access through your institution' option. You can select 'Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Erasmus University Rotterdam)' or 'ErasmusMC (Erasmus University Rotterdam)'.

TIP: Additional information about Scopus can be found in the Tutorials - short movies about using Scopus.
