Deze sectie van de Libguide Law biedt een algemeen overzicht van materialen op het gebied van het Nederlands Recht.
Hierbij wordt speciaal aandacht gegeven aan de toonaangevende series en tijdschriften.
This section of the Libguide Law provides an overview of general materials on the field of Dutch Law.
Special attention is given to leading series and journals.
Inview Essential, formerly Kluwer Navigator, gives access to full text Dutch legislation, case law and commentaries on all fields of law. It also has a substantial archive.
Access to Inview Essential via SURFconext. Click Inloggen and select the option Student/Medewerker. You will be asked for your ERNA-ID.
Date range:
1815 - present for Dutch legislation
1914 - present for case law
Related databases: Opmaat; Rechtsorde; Legal Intelligence
Full text government publications, Dutch legislation, issuing of rules, case law, European legislation and articles from Sdu legal journals on case law.
Legislation, issuing rules, case law and commentaries on specific fields of law such as, health law (Opmaat BOPZ), labour law (Opmaat Arbeidsrecht), company law (Opmaat Ondernemingsrecht), family law (Opmaat Personen- en familierecht) and criminal law (Opmaat Strafrecht).
Date range: Governmental publications from 1995 - present
Related databases: NDFR, NDSZ
Portal to the legal journals of the Dutch publisher Den Hollander.
The Den Hollander journals cover the following legal disciplines:
Insolvency Law, Compliance, Financial Law, Tenancy Law, Annual Account, Energy Law, Agrarian Law, State Aid, Internet Law, Sanction Law, Labour Law, Real Estate.
Dutch language only