Healthcare is highly regulated through laws and regulations and these are in turn influenced and modified according to (changing) ethical and pragmatic considerations.
While the Hippocratic Oath is almost universally known (although mostly by name) and provides an ancient set of guidelines for healthcare, medical sciences are developing rapidly and that which our ancestors could not imagine is now possible.
Modern medicine and procedures have impacted both our quantity and quality of life. New questions are being asked to both medical professionals and lawyers; when is life worth living? Is life extension ethical when it is painful? Is abortion/euthanasia allowed to prevent/end suffering? Should we create of modify humans? Can one assign a value to human life? Is a treatment "too expensive"? What if a treatment fails? How to deal with malpractices?
This section on Health Law provides you with an overview of sources and materials available to students and researchers at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The future is yours to shape.
Rechtsorde is a search engine that provides access to the sources of legal publishers such as Kluwer, SDU, Boom, deLex and Paris. Includes the Nederlandse Documentatie Fiscaal Recht (NDFR).
An AI-Module was added in 2024 and can be used optionally.
Access to Rechtsordevia SURFconext. Click Inloggen voor HBO of universiteit. You will be asked for your ERNA-ID.
Related database: Legal Intelligence
Legal Intelligence is a content integration system, making it possible to question legal databases, such as InView Essential, SDU Opmaat, SDU NDFR, Boom, Paris, Den Hollander,,, and Eurlex, simultaneously.
Off-campus access to Legal Intelligence via SURFconext. Click Login voor het hoger onderwijs. You will be asked for your ERNA-ID.
Related database:
The following Information Skills guides are useful for citing and writing
Evaluating: handling information and statistics
Refworks: using EUR's citation manager
Integrity: citing, paraphrasing and plagiarism
Select Inloggen. You will be redirected to a login page. Choose Student/Medewerker to log in via SURFconext with your ERNA-ID.
10th edition:
Online Copy
Sanders Law Library
Erasmus University Library
9th edition
University Library 1 x
Sanders Law Library 2x
Online Copy
Sanders Law library
Erasmus University Library
Erasmus University Library 1x