A question that has plagued humanity since the beginning of history is; how to deal with "the other" in a way that is both safe for yourself and nonviolent so that you can deal (trade, marry, meet, cooperate) with the other. As humanity progressed and states formed, this question was expanded upon; how to deal with the "other state" in a way that is both safe for your own state and nonviolent so that you can deal (trade, intermarry, meet, visit, cooperate) with the other state.
International Law is considered to be the answer to that question; a set of rules, norms, and standards which make it possible to deal with the other state. If both (or all) states adhere (or at least generally follow) to the same set of rules, norms, and standards, dealing between states becomes possible as all states can work from he same frame of reference and "surprises", generally leading to war, can be avoided.
In a perfect world, this set of rules, norms, and standards would be binding and followed by all. Unfortunately, the world is not perfect and the ancient maxim that "might makes right" still applies. While this does not lessen the importance of International Law; a common (theoretically) binding set of rules, norms, and standards which makes dealing with "the other" possible, it is important to keep this truth in mind.
This section of the Libguide provides access to the digital resources available on International Law.
Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL) contains over 180 full-text online editions of market-leading reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press, including Oppenheim, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law.
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The EUR doesn't have access to all e-books published by Springer. Access is limited to certain disciplines and years:
In addition to the collection of law journals, HeinOnline also contains the U.S. Congressional Record Bound volumes, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports basck to 1754, the United Nations and League of Nations Treaty Series, all United States Treaties and the Federal Register from inception in 1936. Full text articles from many journals but not all, some exclude last published volumes.
Date range:
Legal journals from 1809 - present
U.S. Reports from 1754 - present
Federal Register from 1936 - present
The EUR doesn't have access to all e-books published by Springer. Access is limited to certain disciplines and years:
Westlaw Classic provides additional international materials including coverage for US, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia as well as topical materials such as other international journals, intellectual property, patent information and arbitration.
Westlaw Edge UK also provides access to Westlaw Next under 'More Resources'.
Westlaw Next provides additional international materials including coverage for US, Hong Kong, Canada and Australia as well as topical materials such as other international journals, intellectual property, patent information and arbitration.
Oxford Reports on International Law makes the full scope of international law available in one place, accompanied by expert analyses.
The case law within Oxford Reports on International Law is divided into modules and the EUR has access to two modules: International Human RIghts Law (IHRL) and International Courts of General Jurisiction (ICGJ)
Select Content Type, select modules, select + and select either IHRL or ICGJ.
Oxford Reports on International Law makes the full scope of international law available in one place, accompanied by expert analyses.
The case law within Oxford Reports on International Law is divided into modules and the EUR has access to two modules: International Human RIghts Law (IHRL) and International Courts of General Jurisiction (ICGJ)
Select Content Type, select modules, select + and select either IHRL or ICGJ.
The database has been organized in the specific competition law topics:
- Antitrust
- Mergers
- State Aid
- Special Sectors - Liberalization and Competition Law and the Internal Market.
Each main topic is fully grouped into four text types: Legislation and Notices, Commission Decisions, Court Decisions and Commentary.
Kluwer Competition Law includes over 55 books and 3 journals which are fully browsable and searchable.
Database on trade between nations, includes case law on WTO law (World Trade Organization). The WTO documents in the pending litigation, are available in full text. The negotiation documents are also recorded. The legal disputes are annotated.
Related database: WorldTradeLaw.net
Sanders Law Library - 5 copies
Sanders Law Library
Sanders Law Library