Waar het Publiekrecht het recht regelt tussen overheid en burger, en overheden onderling, regelt het Privaatrecht (ook wel Burgerlijk Recht of Civiel Recht) het recht tussen tussen particulieren onderling, tussen bedrijven onderling, en tussen bedrijven en particulieren.
Binnen het Privaatrecht wordt weer onderscheid gemaakt tussen Materieel Privaatrecht (het geheel van regels) en het Formeel Privaatrecht (het uitvoeren van de regels).
Where Public Law regulates the law between government and citizens, and between governments, Private Law (also known as Civil Law) regulates the law between private individuals, between companies, and between private individuals and companies.
Within Private Law, a distinction is again made between Substantive Private Law (the set of rules) and Formal Private Law (the implementation of the rules).
Risk.Net is a platform for journals, ebooks and conference reports in the area of risk management, derivatives, asset management, regulations, Basel III, central banking and Quant resources.
RiskNet contains journals such as the Journal of Risk, the Journal of Computational Finance and the Journal of Credit Risk.
Risk.Net is a platform for journals, ebooks and conference reports in the area of risk management, derivatives, asset management, regulations, Basel III, central banking and Quant resources.
RiskNet contains journals such as the Journal of Risk, the Journal of Computational Finance and the Journal of Credit Risk.