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Business & Management (RSM)

This guide gives an overview of recommended sources for business and management research


Use this section to find online resources to conduct a literature search for business management, including reference materials (dictionaries and encyclopedias) ebooks, journals and databases. 

Below you will find a thorough selection of general resources, all of which are considered authoritative. However, if you don't know where to begin your literature search, we recommend to start with Business Source Premier (ProQuest), e.g., via the A_Z list or via Subject Databases. 

General Resources

If you want to do an extensive literature search, we advise you to use subject-specific databases: they offer additional search features not available on sEURch, such as thesaurus or citation searching, and allow you to save your searches or export your lists to a reference management tool, such as RefWorks.  

Browse through the Library's A-Z list of databases:  

Or go straight to the business-subject databases listed below: 

Citation databases compile the citations of scholarly publications and enable you to find articles that reference a paper or author you already know about. The best citation databases are: 

Use the link below to learn how to use citation information to find literature: 

eBooks and Journals

Books and eBooks held by the University Library can be retrieved using sEURch


Alternatively, you can search for electronic books directly on VLeBooks or by browsing through the business collections below: 

Most journals are available online and can be searched via sEURch and BrowZine.

Search e-journals

Working Papers

Working papers are articles in progress or in the process of peer review. Working papers show very recent research but not with the quality stamp of the peer-review process.

First two resources which are gateways to a lot of workings papers, one paid license, and one free internet resource:

Journal rankings are reference lists of journal articles that focus on quality and rankings, including the source of research data. A popular ranking is the Financial Times 50 - Journal Rankings

Extensive and detailed information on academic citation performance can be found in the Journal Citation Reports.  (JCR). JCR is an authoritative resource for impact factor data and rankings of many journals based on millions of citations.   

ERIM Journal List (ELJ) 

The list below gives the overview of the ERIM Journals that have the P and P* classification, and are listed in the ISI Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

  • The Primary Set (P journals) are the best journals in the field of management. 
  • P* journals (or STAR journals) are the top ones among the best journals in the field. 
EJL top-core EJL ISSN number Prog / domain
Accounting Review, The P* 0001-4826 F&A
Accounting, Organizations and Society P* 0361-3682 F&A
Contemporary Accounting Research P* 0823-9150 F&A
Journal of Accounting and Economics P* 0165-4101 F&A
Journal of Accounting Research P* 0021-8456 F&A
Journal of Finance, The P* 0022-1082 F&A
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis P* 0022-1090 F&A
Journal of Financial Economics P* 0304-405X F&A
Review of Accounting Studies P* 1380-6653 F&A
Review of Finance (formerly European Finance Review) P* 1572-3097 F&A
Review of Financial Studies P* 0893-9454 F&A
Abacus P 0001-3072 F&A
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory P 0278-0380 F&A
European Accounting Review P 0963-8180 F&A
Financial Management P 0046-3892 F&A
Journal of Banking & Finance P 0378-4266 F&A
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting P 0306-686X F&A
Journal of Corporate Finance P 0929-1199 F&A
Journal of Empirical Finance P 0927-5398 F&A
Journal of Financial Intermediation P 1042-9573 F&A
Journal of Financial Markets P 1386-4181 F&A
Journal of International Money and Finance P 0261-5606 F&A
Management Accounting Research P 1044-5005 F&A
Academy of Management Journal, The P* 0001-4273 GEN
Academy of Management Review, The P* 0363-7425 GEN
Administrative Science Quarterly P* 0001-8392 GEN
Management Science P* 0025-1909 GEN
Business History P 0007-6791 GEN
Human Relations P 0018-7267 GEN
Interfaces P 0092-2102 GEN
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics P 0735-0015 GEN
Decision Sciences P 0011-7315 GEN
Information Systems Research P* 1047-7047 LIS
Journal of Information Technology P* 0268-3962 LIS
Journal of Operations Management P* 0272-6963 LIS
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management P* 1523-4614 LIS
MIS Quarterly P* 0276-7783 LIS
Operations Research P* 0030-364X LIS
Production and Operations Management P* 1059-1478 LIS
Transportation Science P* 0041-1655 LIS
Communications of the ACM P 0001-0782 LIS
Decision Support Systems P 0167-9236 LIS
European Journal of Information Systems P 0960-085X LIS
European Journal of Operational Research P 0377-2217 LIS
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering P 1041-4347 LIS
IIE Transactions P 0740-817X LIS
Information & Management P 0378-7206 LIS
International Journal of Electronic Commerce P 1086-4415 LIS
International Journal of Operations and Production Management P 0144-3577 LIS
Journal of Management Information Systems P 0742-1222 LIS
Journal of Product Innovation Management, The P 0737-6782 LIS
Omega P 0305-0483 LIS
International Journal of Research in Marketing P* 0167-8116 MKT
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science P* 0092-0703 MKT
Journal of Consumer Research P* 0093-5301 MKT
Journal of Consumer Psychology P* 1057-7408 MKT
Journal of Marketing P* 0022-2429 MKT
Journal of Marketing Research P* 0022-2437 MKT
Marketing Science P* 0732-2399 MKT
Journal of Advertising P 0091-3367 MKT
Journal of Interactive Marketing P 1094-9968 MKT
Journal of Product Innovation Management, The P 0737-6782 MKT
Journal of Retailing P 0022-4359 MKT
Journal of Service Research P 1094-6705 MKT
Marketing Letters P 0923-0645 MKT
Quantitative Marketing and Economics P 1570-7156 MKT
Journal of Applied Psychology P* 0021-9010 ORG
Journal of Business Venturing P* 0883-9026 ORG
Journal of Management P* 0149-2063 ORG
Journal of Management Studies P* 0022-2380 ORG
Organization Studies P* 0170-8406 ORG
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes P* 0749-5978 ORG
British Journal of Industrial Relations P 0007-1080 ORG
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice P 1042-2587 ORG
Human Resource Management P 0090-4848 ORG
HRM Review P 1053-4822 ORG
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management P 0018-9391 ORG
Industrial and Corporate Change P 0960-6491 ORG
Industrial Relations P 0019-8676 ORG
Journal of Business Ethics P 0167-4544 ORG
Journal of Evolutionary Economics P 0936-9937 ORG
Journal of Organizational Behavior P 0894-3796 ORG
Journal of Vocational Behavior P 0001-8791 ORG
Leadership Quarterly P 1048-9843 ORG
Organizational Research Methods P 1094-4281 ORG
Personnel Psychology P 0031-5826 ORG
Research Policy P 0048-7333 ORG
Small Business Economics P 0921-898X ORG
Journal of International Business Studies P* 0047-2506 S&E
Journal of Management Studies P* 0022-2380 S&E
Organization Science P* 1047-7039 S&E
Organization Studies P* 0170-8406 S&E
Strategic Management Journal P* 0143-2095 S&E
Industrial and Corporate Change P 0960-6491 S&E
International Journal of Industrial Organization P 0167-7187 S&E
Journal of Business Venturing P 0883-9026 S&E
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy P 1058-6407 S&E
Journal of Management P 0149-2063 S&E
Long Range Planning P 0024-6301 S&E
Small Business Economics P 0921-898X S&E
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal P 1932-4391 S&E
Strategic Organization P 1476-1270 S&E



  • F&A: Finance & Accounting
  • LIS: Logistics & Information Systems
  • GEN: Management general
  • MKT: Marketing
  • ORG: Organisation
  • S&E: Strategy & Entrepreneurship 

Search Engines

sEURch is a discovery tool that allows you to search the collections of the Erasmus University Rotterdam libraries, as well as the collections of libraries in the Netherlands and libraries worldwide. 

You can use sEURch to find an article or a book you already know, but also to find literature about a specific topic, or to get inspiration about a topic. 



Browse, read, and save journal articles via BrowZine:

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Use Google Scholar to look for academic literature, not available at Erasmus University Rotterdam. 

Google Scholar Search

For detailed information about how to search for literature, check the tutorial below: