Largest collection of physical archives in the Netherlands, including all the archives of central and provincial government bodies, as well as private archives of important Dutchmen/women.
You can either search for a specific archival collection, or search through the combined indexes of the collections.
Please note that the indexing has been done in Dutch only.
NEWS: A list of archives that have become available for research in January 2019 can be found on
this page. Included are several archives related to Word War II, containing materials on topics such as: refugees in Vichy-France, Switserland, Spain and Portugal, escapees to Engeland ('Engelandvaarders'), and mayors collaborating with the German occupational forces. Furthermore, materials on the suppression of the Prague Rising in 1968 and the the government's decision to sent a Dutch military mission to Bosnia on the request of the UN in 1993 have been made available.
Archives opened in previous years:
2018 /