This resource offers worldwide full-text content pertaining to communication, linguistics, rhetoric and discourse, speech-language pathology, media studies and related fields.
Platform: EBSCOhost
Web of Science is a citation database, covering academic journals worldwide in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, and conference proceedings. It provides cover-to-cover indexing, from 1975 till present.
The EUR license to Web of Science Core Collection consists of:
Date range: 1975 - present
Related databases: Scopus, Dimensions
Scopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature (journals and books). The search results also contain links to preprints (2017 onwards) and research data.
Date range: 1788 - 1970 (abstracts included where available); 1970 - present (records including references)
Related databases: Web of Science, Dimensions
Contains content from over 17,000 scholarly journals, of which more than 8,000 are available in full text, in Criminal Justice, Economics, Environmental Science, History, Marketing, Media & Fine Arts, Political Science, and Psychology. Also includes videos and podcasts from authoritative sources such as BBC Worldwide Learning.
Search the subject index to find articles tagged with specific subject terms.
Database of the American Psychological Association (APA), covering psychological literature from the 1880s to the present.
PsycInfo provides systematic coverage of the psychological literature. The database offers bibliographical information (with abstracts) of journal articles, books and chapters in books. The Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms is used to index the articles, books and book chapters. There are direct links to the full-text journals in PsycArticles and full-text book chapters in PsycBooks.
Platform: Ovid
Date range: 1800s - present
Related databases: PsycArticles; PsycBooks
Core resource for researchers, professionals, and students in sociology and related disciplines. It includes citations and abstracts from over 1,800 journals, relevant dissertations, selected books and book chapters, and association papers, as well as citations for book reviews and other media.
Some records published since 2001 contain references cited, sometimes with links to additional materials. Entries cover sociological aspects of twenty-nine broad topics, including anthropology, business, collective behavior, community development, disaster studies, education, environmental studies, gender studies, gerontology, law and penology, marriage and family studies, medicine and health, racial interactions, social psychology, social work, sociological theory, stratification, substance abuse, urban studies, and violence.
Platform: ProQuest
Related databases: Social Science Citation Index (via Web of Science); Social Services Abstracts
Multidisciplinary archive of full-text articles of the most important academic journals. Also contains a large collection of ebooks (book chapters) and primary source materials.
Date range: In general journals have been indexed from the first issue. Please note that for most journals the last three to five years are not available via JSTOR (the moving wall embargo).
The EUR subscribes to the collections
- Arts & Sciences I, II, III, IV, VI, VII and IX
- Business I
- Health & General Sciences
Nexis Uni News contains major world publications (for example Financial Times), newspapers (including Dutch newspapers,such as De Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad) and news wires like PR Newswire.
Also included is company information, law reviews and cases
Please note: Legal news, law reviews and legal cases are mostly American.
Date range: The date range and update schedule differs per source. However, as the collection only contains born-digital material, the oldest items are from around 1990.
Related databases: Factiva; Delpher
Provides bibliographic or full text content from 1,300 academic journals, magazines and trade publications covering business, marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics.
Platform: EBSCOhost
The Financial Times (FT) is an important daily news source of financial and economic information. FT also provides access to case studies, special reports, essays and commentaries.
On campus, you have access to FT without having to register for an FT account.
Off campus usage, usage of the FT app and usage of personalized FT settings, require an account at FT. You can set up an account with a full ERNA or EUR-MBA email address (e.g. at this page.
Once you have created an account with a unique user ID and password you will be able to access and the FT mobile app from anywhere.
The complete run of the London edition of the internationally known daily paper, from its first issue through 2016.
Started as a City of London news sheet, the FT grew to become one of the best-known and most-respected newspapers in the world. Along the way, it chronicled the critical financial and economic events that shaped the world, from the late nineteenth and entire twentieth centuries to today.
The Financial Times Historical Archive includes:
- The Lex column: a sharp and authoritative voice on corporate and financial matters;
- All classified and display advertising;
- Access to thousands of daily price/stock indexes and currency tables;
- The complete contents of FT Magazine and How to Spend It.
The Library also provides access to the current content of the Financial Times.
Related database: ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Gale Primary Sources enables you to cross-search all Gale newspapers in the Library collection, such as The Times and the Economist. With Gale Digital Scholar Lab you can perform more advanced text analysis methods, such as Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modelling.
Platform: Gale
Provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers and news channels, as well as leading newspaper titles from around the world. Of almost 50% of the titles the newest editions are available full-text (without photos), including The Economist, Newsweek (as of 1994), The Washington Post (as of 2014), New Delhi Times (as of 2016), Global Times (China, as of 2018) and The Huffington Post (as of 2019).
To find a specific title, use the Advanced search option.
A list of all titles currently available can be downloaded from this page (search for 'Gale OnFile: News').
Materials on international politics and related fields, including security studies, global finance, diplomatic practice, humanitarian law, global governance, development studies, and environmental studies. Includes working papers, policy briefs, and current analysis and commentary, as well as scholarly journal articles, e-books, and videos.
Digitized and digital-born content from the international weekly news magazine, from its foundation in 1843 up to 2015.
Started as an anti-import tariffs periodical run by an economist, it soon expanded into political economy and eventually began running articles on current events, finance, commerce, and British politics. In the second half of the twentieth century it became the international news medium it is today.
The Library also provides access to the current issues and recent archive of The Economist via several vendors, see sEURch for all the options.
Related databases: ProQuest Historical Newspapers, The Times Digital Archive, The Times of India Digital Archive. Gale Primary Sources enables you to cross-search all Gale newspapers in the Library collection, such as The Times and the International Herald Tribune. With Gale Digital Scholar Lab you can perform more advanced text analysis methods, such as Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modelling.
Follow the Money (FTM) is a Dutch platform for independent investigative journalism aimed at financial-economic transparency of companies and organizations as well as addressing financial abuses.
All EUR students and staff have full access to FTM content. 75 seats for personalized accounts with FTM are available to EUR researchers. Use this link to register for an account. FTM registration requires an ERNA email address.
Provides access to content from periodicals and news media from 1980 up to today, both text based as well as audiovisual. More than 40% of the content is unique to the database.
A key feature of the Advanced Search option is that you can filter on very specific document (=content) types: from Advertisement and Aerial photography to Speech and Television programs. A list of all titles currently available in this database can be downloaded from this page (search for 'Gale General OneFile').
The New York Times' website, a newspaper with worldwide readership and influence. Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on politics, business, sports, movies, travel, books, education, and more. Registration is required. See 'Additional info' for use of the app.
To get free access in the app connect to our Eduroam network on campus. Go to and create a free account using your ERNA email address.
Nexis Uni News contains major world publications (for example Financial Times), newspapers (including Dutch newspapers,such as De Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad) and news wires like PR Newswire.
Also included is company information, law reviews and cases
Please note: Legal news, law reviews and legal cases are mostly American.
Date range: The date range and update schedule differs per source. However, as the collection only contains born-digital material, the oldest items are from around 1990.
Related databases: Factiva; Delpher
Vers Beton is a journalism platform for inquisitive and critical thinkers from Rotterdam. Its articles focus on the city of Rotterdam and inhabitants, covering the fields of politics, architecture and urban development, art and culture, society and care, and economics and entrepreneurship. It also includes in-depth investigative journalism.
To read the articles: click 'Inloggen' and choose 'Inloggen met SURFconext', via SURFconext you can login with your ERNA-account.