This guide gives you an overview of recommended resources for Media and Communication Studies: databases to find literature and primary sources; reference works to orientate on a particular topic and to find background information, and research skills literature.
Bear in mind that Media and Communication is by nature a multidisciplinary field. You should therefore also consult resources from the fields of Sociology, Economics, Management, Arts and Culture or Psychology if your research topic relates to any of these fields.
Listed are both resources to which the Library has subscribed, as well as resources that are available via the National Library of the Netherlands (you can recognize those by the KB symbol), or are freely available online.
Oxford Handbooks Online offers access to a selection of handbooks, published by Oxford University Press, in the subject categories Business and Management, Economics and Finance, History, Media Studies, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. Each handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship.
The EUR has access to the following collections:
Besides these collections, the Library also has access to a small number of individual titles titles from other years or in other subjects.
Next to the eBooks already in our collection, the Library temporarily provides access to thousands of eBooks from prominent publishers. Temporary access books will have 'EBA' + the end date mentioned in the 'Notes & License Terms' in our catalogue discovery tool sEURch.
Besides all De Gruyter titles this collection also includes eBooks published up to 2022 from a.o. Harvard University Press, Princeton University Press, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, University of Toronto Press, Edinburgh University Press, and New York University Press.
PLEASE NOTE: The hyperlink above leads to all available Humanities and Social Sciences eBooks. You can filter on a specific collection, f.i.:
Learn how to search, find and manage scholarly information and data in an efficient way. Visit the library's Information Skills portfolio for more online modules!