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EUR ORCID LibGuide: Using your ORCID iD

Enhance the discoverability and visibility of your research

Publishing with your ORCID iD

More and more journals offer the option to log into their journal submission system with your ORCID iD. This has a number of advantages:

  • You only have to remember your ORCID iD credentials.
  • After authorizing the publisher to get your ORCID iD, the publisher can add your ORCID iD to your publication.
  • Your ORCID iD will be part of the metadata of the publication. When you give Crossref permission to auto-update your ORCID record, the publication will be added automatically to your ORCID record.

Examples are:

Login screen Behavioral Interventions with the option to login with ORCIDLogin screen to submit to Journal of Business Economics with the option to use ORCID to login

Click a picture to enlarge it. The left picture is an example of a journal using the submission system ScholarOne; the journal at the right uses Editorial Manager.

Tip: the submission system will ask to 'Get your ORCID iD'. Some systems also ask to 'Read your information with visibility set to Trusted Organizations'. In that case, check if the system uses information from your ORCID record, especially the email address. If you want to make use of a publisher deal to publish your article in Open Access, it's important to use your ERNA email address in the correspondence with the publisher, but that's not necessarily the email address used as the (primary) email in your ORCID record.

Using ORCID to login in other systems

Not only journals allow you to use your ORCID iD to login in their journal submission system, you can also use your ORCID to login in other systems. 

Examples are:

  • DANS Data Stations - domain-specific digital repositories for research data.
  • OSF - a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration.
  • Overleaf - an online collaborative LaTeX editor. Information about using Overleaf is available in the Overleaf LibGuide. When your Overleaf account and your ORCID iD are linked, your ORCID iD will be automatically included in submissions to participating publishers.
  • - a platform for developing and sharing reproducible methods. 
  • - see how your articles have been cited and if they have been supported or disputed through 'smart citations'.
  • Web of Science - a citation database, covering academic journals worldwide in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, and conference proceedings.
  • Zenodo - a multi-disciplinary open repository maintained by CERN. To add publications in Zenodo to your ORCID record, you can use the Search & Link wizard of DataCite.

Using ORCID iDs in Altmetric Explorer

In Altmetric Explorer you can find online attention for your scholarly publications: mentions on X (Twitter), in news outlets or in policy documents. To find your own publications, you can use ORCID iD in the advanced search of Altmetric Explorer. Altmetric Explorer uses the public API of ORCID to find the publications linked to an ORCID iD, so they can 'see' works with visibility setting 'Everyone'. 

  • Open Altmetric Explorer
  • Click the button Edit Search at the top of the screen
  • Mark Full Altmetric database
  • In the ORCID field, enter your ORCID iD
  • Click the button Run search

When you create an account in Altmetric Explorer you can save the search and get an e-mail from Altmetric Explorer with an overview of new mentions. 

  • Click the button Sign in in the left down corner 
  • When signed in, a button save search will appear in the right upper corner - click that button
  • Open the Saved searches - the second button on the left side of the screen
  • Mark the type of report you want to receive (daily, weekly or monthly)

Using ORCID to see how your articles are cited

With you can keep track of how others are citing your work. In scite, you can see how an article has been cited and if it has been supported or disputed. You can sign in with your ORCID credentials, or connect your ORCID iD to add your publications to your profile. On the My Publications page you can use the option Sync articles from ORCID

Add contributor roles to your publications with Rescognito

Rescognito, a free service for recognizing and promoting Open Research, allows you to claim or award CRediT for publications with a DOI. 

CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a taxonomy, including 14 roles, that can be used to represent the roles typically played by contributors to scientific scholarly output. These roles include for example 'conceptualization', 'data curation' and 'writing - original draft'. Some journals already capture these roles (see for example this article - when you click the author name her/his roles appear). With Rescognito you can add your roles to previously published articles and make these roles visible in your ORCID record. 

  • Go to 
  • Find your publications by entering your name or ORCID iD and click View Ledger. Rescognito displays the publications listed in your ORCID record (with visibility setting 'Everyone').
  • Behind each publication you can click the button Recognize.
  • Behind each contributor name you can select CRediT roles in the list below Reasons.
  • When you click the Recognize button, you will have to login with your ORCID credentials. The first time you have to Authorize access for Rescognito to get your ORCID iD.

You can push these recognitions to your ORCID record:

  • Sign into Rescognito and open My Settings.
  • Mark the option Please update my ORCID record with CRediT recognitions - you will be asked to Authorize access for Rescognito again - now to update your research activities. 

In your ORCID record a Work will be added to your Works section, but it's automatically merged with the already existing work, based on the DOI. Click Preferred source (of x) to see the metadata of the Work added by Rescognito. Click Show more detail to see the CRediT role(s).

Work in ORCID from Rescognito - the contributor role is specified

In the video 'Pushing CRediT recognitions to ORCID record using Rescognito' (2:57 min) you can see how you can add contributor roles to your publications in your ORCID record.

Display your ORCID iD on your GitHub profile

You can display your ORCID iD on your public GitHub profile, by authenticating your ORCID with your GitHub account.

  • Go to 
  • Click Connect your ORCID iD
  • Sign in with your ORCID credentials
  • Authorize the access for GitHub
  • In your profile settings the option 'Display your ORCID iD on your GitHub profile' is automatically marked. 

Please note: following these steps doesn't add your GitHub profile to your ORCID record. You can add a link in two ways:

  • Add the link manually to the Websites & Social Links section.
  • Use DataCite Profiles ( to add the link to the Other IDs section.