You can connect your ORCID iD and record to your Pure profile, and give the EUR permission to send information from the Pure repository to your ORCID record.
This will save time: publications added from Pure to the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal will be added to your ORCID record as well. This is especially useful for publications that can't be automatically added to your ORCID record in other ways (via the auto-update of Crossref, via a Search and Link Wizard, etc.) - for example publications in local or professional journals, reports, newspaper articles etc.
Having information added to your ORCID record via an institution works as a 'trust marker': the 'EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal' will appear as the source of the information, enabling you and others to be confident that this information is authorative and trustworthy - because it's added by the university itself.
Information from the Pure repository is added to different sections in your ORCID record:
If a work is already in your ORCID record, for example added by the auto-update of Crossref, ORCID will group the items when they share an identifier, like the DOI. You can select the preferred source.
TIP: if you don't want a work to be visible, change the visibility setting to 'Only me' instead of 'Everyone'. When you delete a work from your ORCID record, it will be added again the next time data from the Pure repository is synced.
To make the connection between the Pure repository and your ORCID iD and record:
The 'EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal' is now one of your 'Trusted parties'.
Re-authentication required
When you have made the connection between your ORCID iD and Pure before July 2023, it's possible you see 'Re-authentication required' behind your ORCID iD in Pure. This means that there is a problem with the token that is stored in Pure to maintain the authentication. To make sure your ORCID record is kept up to date by Pure, you need to re-authenticate: click the button Re-authenticate to start the process.
If you don't want information added by Pure to be visible on your ORCID record, it's better to change the visibility settings instead of deleting the information – because when deleted, it will be added again when the data from Pure is synchronized.
To change the visibility settings of an item:
You can remove the permission given to the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal to update your ORCID record:
Please note: the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal will still be able to delete items added via that route, but they will no longer be able to edit or add information.