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EUR ORCID LibGuide: Add publications

Enhance the discoverability and visibility of your research

Adding publications to your ORCID record

You can add works that were published before you created an ORCID to your ORCID record. If these publications have an identifier like DOI or PubMed ID, and you make them visible for everyone, the information can be used by other systems, like Web of Science or Altmetric Explorer. 

There are several ways to add works:

  • by direct import from other systems, for example from Scopus or Europe PubMed Central. There are several 'Search & link' wizards available. To use them, you have to grant them access, so they can send publications and other information to your ORCID record.
  • by importing a BibTeX file
  • manually 
  • by granting Crossref access to automatically update your record with new publications
  • by connecting your ORCID iD and record to the Pure registry - works in the EUR Research Portal will then be added to your ORCID record as well.

The order of the steps below is an advice, based on our own experiences with adding works to ORCID records - we want to limit manual work as much as possible!

If you want to make changes to works imported via a Search & Link wizard or via an auto update, you can use the 'Make a copy and edit'.


Scopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature (journals and books). It's relatively easy to add publications to your ORCID record via Scopus, but it's one-off. New publications added to Scopus are not automatically added to your ORCID record.

  • In your ORCID record, click behind the header Works the button + Add – and choose Search & link. 
  • In the list of Search & Link wizards, click Scopus - Elsevier
  • Authorize the access to your ORCID Record by Scopus - Elsevier

Authorize access screen for Scopus

  • Scopus performs an Author search, based on your ORCID name.
    Please note: when your name consists of multiple words, only the first word is entered (for example Van). You can add the rest of your name manually. You can also add name variants (to broaden the search) and an affiliation (to narrow the search).
  • When you click Start you are guided through the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard:
    • Mark your Scopus profile(s) and click Next
    • Choose your profile name and click Next
    • When applicable, delete publications not authored by you and use the Search for missing documents at the bottom of the publication list to add documents not in the list (but available in Scopus). Click Next when the list is complete.
    • Review the Scopus profile. Click Next when the profile is complete.
    • Enter your e-mail address twice and click Send Author ID. Your Scopus Author ID will be added to your ORCID record in the 'Other IDs' section.
    • You will now be prompted by Scopus - Elsevier for permission to also send your publication list. If you wish to send your list, click Send my publication list.
    • Your list will now be imported from Scopus and you will receive a confirmation notice in the Scopus wizard. From here, click on return to ORCID in order to review your updated record and publication list. 

Your ORCID iD will be visibile on your Scopus Author Profile page.

Europe PubMed Central

Adding publications via Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) can be useful when you've published in medical journals. This wizard will recognize publications already in your ORCID record, they will have a different color and the message 'This article has already been linked to your ORCID'. From our experience articles published in Dutch medical journals can be added easily in this way. 

  • Click behind the header Works the button + Add - and choose Search & link.
  • In the list of Search & Link wizards, click Europe PubMed Central
  • Authorize the access to your ORCID Record by Europe PubMed Central
  • Europe PMC performs a search using your name. You can add name variants in the search box, using the AUTH: field, and the name between double quotation marks. Don't forget to add OR between two names.
  • Go through the list of publications. Publications already in your ORCID record will be green. Mark your publications and click Continue
  • Review the publications - the marked publications will be shown at the top of the list - and click Send to ORCID

It's possible that some articles are twice in your ORCID record: if the identifiers used don't match the identifiers used in Europe PubMed Central, ORCID can't 'see' they are the same. Look in your publication list in your ORCID record to find these duplicates: mark them and select Combine works in the Actions menu at the top of the list to merge these records.

You can also start claiming your publications in Europe PubMed Central:

Crossref Metadata Search

Crossref ( provides persistent links (DOIs) for scholarly content. Their goal is to make research outputs easy to find, cite, link, and assess. Many publishers are member of Crossref, they submit their metadata to Crossref. With Crossref Metadata Search you can add publications to your ORCID:

  • Click behind the header Works the button + Add – and choose Search & link. 
  • In the list of Search & Link wizards, click Crossref Metadata search 
  • Authorize the access to your ORCID by Crossref Metadata search
  • Crossref then performs a search on your name. Unfortunately, it's not possible to search in the author field, and the filter options are limited. It depends on your name how useful the results are. In most cases, the best way to proceed is to search by DOI or by article title (so one by one), but we have also seen examples where the first pages (with 10 results) contained relevant publications. 
  • After clicking the 'Add to ORCID' button Crossref Metadata Search - Add to ORCID the button should change into ‘In your profile’ Crossref Metadata Search - In your profile, but sometimes it is changed in ‘Not visible’. In that case, please refresh the page.

If you use your ORCID iD when you publish an article, your ORCID iD will be part of the metadata from the start. You will receive a message from Crossref that they want to auto-update your ORCID record. If you agree with this, you will have to grant Crossref permission – this is a different source than Crossref Metadata Search.

Web of Science Researcher Profile

To add publications in Web of Science to your ORCID record, you have to create a Web of Science Researcher Profile first (previously known as Publons) and sync it with your ORCID record. This is especially useful for publications in Web of Science that don't have a DOI, like meeting abstracts and book reviews. Via your Web of Science Researcher Profile you can add them to your ORCID record. 

The Web of Science Researcher Profile is also used by some publishers to give you credit for your peer review work. By syncing with your ORCID record, these activities can be added to your ORCID record. 

  • Open Web of Science
  • If you already have a Web of Science account (for example to save searches or create alerts), you can use that account to sign in. If you don't have a Web of Science account, you can use the Register option to create one. 
  • You can add publications to your Researcher Profile by opening the menu on the left side of the screen, open Profile, My record and then +Add behind Publications. 
  • Web of Science will perform a search based on name and email address. You can add additional email addresses. You can also search publications by identifier (DOI, PubMed ID, Web of Science accession number or title).

To make the connection with ORCID:

  • Open your Researcher Profile
  • Click Edit, next to your name
  • Open the tab ORCID Syncing

ORCID Syncing page in Web of Science

  • Click the button Connect your ORCiD pofile
  • You are redirected to the Connected accounts tab in Account settings. Click the button Connect behind ORCiD.
  • Authorize the access to your ORCID record for 'Clarivate SSO'. This makes Clarivate one of your Trusted parties. Clarivate is the owner of Web of Science.
  • Your ORCID iD will be added to the list of Connected Accounts. 
  • Return to the Profile Settings and then to the tab ORCID Syncing
  • Under Permissions you can give Web of Science permission to update your ORCID record. Click Grant Permission. You then have to authorize access to your ORCID record for 'Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync'. You have to do this twice, once for the publications and peer review and once for the profile data (this is for example your ResearcherID). 
  • There are three sync options, you can turn them On or Off:
    • Export publications to ORCiD from Web of Science
    • Export peer reviews to ORCiD from Web of Science
    • Export records to Web of Science from ORCiD 
  • If you have eligible publications or reviews in Web of Science, you will be able to export them to your ORCID profile, via the manually sync option.

BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

With BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine - you search metadata from institutional repositories all over the world, including RePub. 

  • In your ORCID record, click behind the header Works the button + Add – and choose Search & link. 
  • In the list of Search & Link wizards, click BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
  • Authorize the access to your ORCID Record by BASE
  • BASE will perform a search in the author field, using the name from your ORCID record: aut:"First name, Last name". Many repositories use another format, for example "Last name, First name" or "Last name, Initials". We advise you to try these different versions of your name. 
    Tip: It can help to search for a particular title, and then click the author name in that record to see the full list of publications in BASE, linked to that name. 
  • To add a work to your ORCID record: click the link claim behind your name in the author field of the record. 
  • To claim the authorship of the publication, you have to login with BASE. If you don't have an account, you can use the link Create New Account. 
  • Click the button Claim in BASE and export to ORCID
  • Behind your name the ORCID logo appears.

OpenAIRE Explore

OpenAIRE, the European e-Infrastructure on open scholarly communication, is a service provider with 14 services covering a broad spectrum of open science for publishing, discovering, and monitoring research. In its core is the OpenAIRE Research Graph which interlinks publications, research data, and research software, with researchers, their organizations, funding agencies, and specific research communities.

You can use this wizard to import journal articles, datasets, software and other research outputs. OpenAIRE aggregates data from Crossref, RePEc, DOAJ, figshare, GitHub, funders, ORCID and many other sources. This data is cleaned and deduplicated. 

  • Click behind the header Works the button + Add - and choose Search & link.
  • In the list of Search & Link wizards, click OpenAIRE Explore
  • Authorize the access to your ORCID Record by OpenAIRE Explore
  • You have to Sign in to continue. If you don't have an account, it's possible to use the ORCID Single Sign On. In that case you have to authorize OpenAire2020 Portal to get your ORCID iD. You can also create a new OpenAIRE account, or choose another Single Sign On provider.
  • OpenAIRE will performed a search using the name used in your ORCID record. It's recommended to add name variants to the query: click ADD RULE, make sure you select Or as the Boolean operator between the rules and choose Author as the field to search. 
  • Records with a persistent identifier, for example a DOI or a Handle, will have an option Add to ORCID iD. Click that button to send the information to your ORCID record.
  • The source of the record will be OpenAIRE Explore.

It's possible you see a black ORCID ID icon next to an author name: this means that the ORCID iD was derived by OpenAIRE algorithms or harvested from 3rd party repositories. A green ORCID ID icon means that the data was harvested from the ORCID public data file.

Datasets in the EUR Data Repository

To add datasets in the EUR Data Repository (EDR) to your ORCID record you have to take a couple of steps. 

  • In your EDR profile, connect to ORCID. You have to authorize figshare to get your ORCID iD. Your ORCID iD will now be added to the metadata of new datasets you upload in the EDR.


    figshare authorize access screen
  • The figshare - ORCID integration has three configuration options. You can enable each option by changing OFF into ON. 

  • Push data to my ORCID (highly recommended)
    For any item you publish in the EDR after enabling this option, an item will be created in the Works section of your ORCID record. Only the base DOI will be used, versioned DOIs are omitted. Existing items in your EDR account are not sent to ORCID. 
    Please note: if you have a synchronisation set up from for example Datacite, datasets might be added twice to your ORCID record. When they have the same DOI, they will be grouped together.
  • Pull data from my ORCID to my account
    With this option everything in the Works section of your ORCID record will be imported to the publications area of your EDR profile - everything already in your ORCID record and anything that's added to your ORCID record from now on.
  • Create draft records from my ORCID data
    After the integration, new items added to the Works section of your ORCID record will automatically create a new draft metadata record within your My Data area in the EDR. You will get a notification by e-mail and you can choose to add a file for the record, additional metadata or delete the draft record. 

    Configure ORCID options in the EUR Data Repository (FigShare) 


Datasets added to the EDR before connecting to ORCID

To add already existing datasets - published without your ORCID iD in the metadata - to your ORCID record, you can use the Add to ORCID record option in DataCite Commons

Adding research outputs via DataCite Commons

DataCite is a DOI registration agency, that provides DOIs for research data and all other research outputs. For example, datasets in the EUR Data Repository (EDR), projects in Open Science Framework (OSF) and presentations in Zenodo get a DOI from DataCite. This makes these research outputs discoverable and citable for the long term. The ORCID iD of the author(s)/creator(s) can be part of the metadata record of the research output. 

When you add your ORCID iD to your profile in the EDR, OSF or Zenodo, it will also be added to the metadata record of the research output published there. If you published without using your ORCID iD, you can manually add the research output to your ORCID record via DataCite Commons.

  • Go to your ORCID record, click behind the header Works the button + Add - and choose Search & link. 
  • In the list of Search & Link wizards, choose DataCite
  • Authorize the access to your ORCID Record by DataCite
     ORCID Authorize Access - DataCite
  • In your DataCite Profile, get the ORCID token and enable the auto-update - every time a new DOI is registered by DataCite with your ORCID iD in the metadata, your ORCID record will be updated automatically. 


  • In DataCite Commons ( you can search for datasets and other works with a DOI registered by DataCite and claim them.
  • Sign in first
  • In the Works tab, search for a DOI, title or your name and click on the title to open the full record.
  • Click the Add to ORCID record button on the left-hand side of the screen. The publication will appear in your ORCID record, with DataCite as the source.

Please note: records claimed like this will not appear in your DataCite Researcher Profile (available via - there only records with the ORCID iD in the metadata of the record will appear.

Importing a BibTex file

If you have a BibTeX file (.bib) with your publications (for example exported from a reference manager), you can upload that file:

  • Click + Add behind the Works header
  • Select Add BibTeX
  • Click the button Choose BibTeX file to import and browse to the BibTeX file you want to import

Import BibTeX option

  • ORCID shows the list of articles: mark the publications you want to add (or mark Select all) and click Import work to your record.

If you use an export from your Google Scholar profile, you have to take extra steps: 

  • Mark the titles in your Google Scholar profile
  • Click Export and choose BibTeX
  • Save the file 
  • Often the file is saved by default as a .txt file. ORCID can't read this. You have to change the file type from .txt to .bib. 

Please note: the export from Google Scholar doesn't include identifiers like DOIs. ORCID uses them to group works in your record, and they are important for linking your ORCID iD to publications in databases like Web of Science.

Adding publications manually

You can also add publications manually to your ORCID record.

  • Click + Add behind the Works header
  • Select Add manually
  • Select a work type. The work types are grouped by type: Academic publications, Review and editing, Dissemination, Creative, Data and proccess, Legal and IP and Teaching and supervision. A list of supported work types can be found here
  • The Title is required, the other fields are optional. ORCID provides a description of all the fields here.
  • If your work has an identifier, like a Handle, an ISBN or a DOI, please add it as well. You have to select the identifier type (the list of identifier types can be found here) and enter the identifier value, ORCID will generate the Identifier URL - you can leave it blank. 
  • If your work was funded, you can add a 'Funded by' relationship. Select grant number as Identifier type and enter the number of the funding that supported the work and the URL manually.
  • Check the visibility settings
  • Click the button Save changes.

Auto-update by Crossref

When you provide your ORCID iD when you submit an article, your ORCID iD becomes part of the metadata of that article. Many publishers provide this metadata to Crossref, an official DOI registration agency. You can grant Crossref permission to update your ORCID record automatically, when they find your ORCID iD in new metadata. 

Please note: The ORCID auto-update only supports the first 10 authors of a work. If you are not one of the first 10 authors, you have to add the work yourself, for example via the Add DOI option, or via the Crossref Metadata Search Search & Link Wizard.

The first time Crossref will send you a notification via ORCID to ask for permission to auto-update your ORCID record as a trusted organization.

Request from Crossref to get permission to auto-update your ORCID record

If you grant this permission, and Crossref finds your ORCID iD in the metadata, that article will be added to your ORCID record automatically. You get a notification that your ORCID record was amended, with information about the item that has been updated. 

Notification from Crossref: they have updated the Work section of your ORCID record

Some publishers also add ORCID iDs to the metadata of articles already published - they can do this when you have added these articles to your ORCID record and made them public. Crossref will also add these older articles to your ORCID record. This doesn't mean that the publication will be twice in your ORCID record: ORCID will automatically group these multiple versions together.

Please note: if you don't give permission to Crossref and you have deleted their notification from your ORCID inbox, Crossref's system will not re-request permissions for 6 months. There is no way to manually way to bypass it and give permission earlier. 

Editing records in your ORCID record

Records added via a Search & Link Wizard or via an automatic update, can't be changed. Instead, you can use the 'make a copy and edit' option:

  • Click the button in the right upper corner of the record Make a copy and edit button
  • The information is copied, and the Works screen opens
  • Make the adjustments
  • Click Save changes

The records are merged. You can select the 'preferred source' - that is the default version of the work shown.