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EUR ORCID LibGuide: Register for an ORCID iD

Enhance the discoverability and visibility of your research

Register for an ORCID iD

Creating your ORCID iD takes a few minutes:

  • Go to
  • Click Sign in / Register in the top right corner
  • Click Register now
  • Fill in the form: enter your given (first) and family (last) name(s) and primary email address. You can add additional email addresses, for example a personal email. ORCID checks if your e-mail address is already associated with an ORCID record. If that's not the case, click Next Step.
  • Enter a password and confirm it. Click Next Step.
  • Based on the e-mail address entered, ORCID might suggest an organization as current employment. If ORCID doesn’t suggest an organization, you can enter your current employment yourself. This is not required, but highly recommended!
  • Click Next Step.
  • For each part of your ORCID record you can set the visibility settings: who can see it? The options are: everyone, trusted parties or only me. In the registration form (Step 4 of 5 - Visibility), you choose the default visibility settings. We recommend selecting 'Everyone' as the default setting. Your email addresses are private by default, regardless of your default visibility settings.
  • Click Next Step.
  • You must accept the terms of use and confirm you are not a robot by completing the reCAPTCHA.
    One of the terms of use is 'I consent to my data being processed in the United States'. A Data Transfer Impact Assessment ('DTIA') was carried out by SURF and assessed by the EUR Privacy Organization. The privacy risk in this regard is considered low.
  • Click the button Complete registration.
  • You will receive an e-mail from ORCID to verify your email address.

Tip: ORCID recommends registering at least two email addresses to your account, for example your institutional email address and a personal email address. This will enable you to have multiple methods of signing into your ORCID account and to ensure that you’re not locked out of your ORCID record, for example when you lose access to your current institutional email address.

Verifying your email address

For some actions, you have to confirm that you have an active email address by verifying your primary email address. Examples of these actions are adding data manually, adding works by using a BibTeX import and changing the visibility of data that other systems have added to your ORCID record and deleting such data.

After creating your ORCID iD, ORCID sends an email to your primary email address with a link to verify the address. If you want to perform an action that requires verification, and you haven't done this yet, you will be prompted to verify your address.

In the Emails box in your ORCID record you can also click the link 'Resend verification email' to verify your email address. 

New! Verified email domains

When you use an institutional email address and verify it, ORCID adds a 'verified email domain' to your ORCID record. This works as a trust marker: you can prove you are associated with an institution, and keep your email address private. By default your email address(es) have the visibility setting 'Only me', but the verified email domain will inherit your default visibility setting. 

verified email domain with a trustmarker in the ORCID record

When the 'verified email domains' feature was launched on September 12th, 2024, existing institutional email domains inherited the visibility settings of the email addresses they are derived from, which is usually 'Only me'. You can change the visibility manually. 

Note for EUR researchers: unfortunately, ORCID cannot 'recognize' email addresses ending with or If you want to make use of a verified email domain, you can add your alias email address (this looks like as additional email address, verify it and then make the verified email domain visible. 

Visibility settings

Your ORCID iD is always publicly visible, and you control the visibility settings for all other content in your ORCID record. There are three visibility settings: 

  • Green eye - everyone can see this item
    Everyone: anyone who visits the ORCID website or who uses the ORCID public API can view this information. For example: Web of Science uses the public API to add ORCID iDs to publications in Web of Science. The default visibility setting of your name when you register is 'everyone'.
  • Yellow eye - only trusted parties can see this item
    Trusted parties: this information can be seen by trusted parties whom you have granted access to your ORCID record. These connections require explicit action on your part: you have to grant them permission. An overview of the organizations you have granted permission can be found by clicking your name at the top of the page and then choosing Trusted parties. In the list you can revoke the access. 
  • Red eye - only the researcher can see this item when she is logged in
    Only me: only you and your trusted individual(s) you have granted access can see this information, when signed in. The default visibility setting of your email address(es) is only me.

Recommendation: to make full use of your ORCID iD and record, we advise you to choose the visibility setting 'Everyone'. To be able to use your ORCID iD to register with publishers (for example when submitting an article), your e-mail address has to have the visibility setting 'everyone' or 'trusted parties'.

Who added the information?

In your ORCID record an icon next to an item shows if that information was added

  • by a member, for example Crossref, DataCite or EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal. Then a green check mark is shown.
    Source of the record is the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal; a green check mark is shown behind Source
  • by the ORCID record holder, either manually or via a Search & Link Wizard, like Crossref Metadata Search or Scopus - Elsevier. This is indicated by a blue icon.

ORCID calls these indicators 'trust markers' - they can help to interpret the trustworthiness of an ORCID record.