Next to information about your publications you can add other types of information to your ORCID record. This includes:
In the Also known as field you can add additional names you may be known with or names you've published with. This can be for example your name with your initials, your name in other character sets, former names, etc. If your name contains a special character, for example ä, ç, or é, we recommend entering your name without those characters in this field. These names are shown in the search results in the ORCID registry as 'Other names' - this can help other people to choose the right ORCID iD.
Note about name variants: when the Search option in the ORCID registry is used, then the special characters are ignored. For example: searching Krämer includes Kramer and Krämer. The Advanced Search is more specific: the value has to be the same. So Kołacz only returns ORCID records with Kołacz as last name. Kolacz is not included.
In the Biography section you can add a description of your research interests and projects and your career. It's a plain-text field, it's not possible to add links to the text.
In the Keywords section you can add words or phrases which describe your research activities. Keywords can help someone identify you, and keyword search is an option for searching the ORCID Registry.
Employment is a formal employment relationship with an organization, e.g. staff, intern, researcher, contractor. Employment can be paid or unpaid.
In the Employment section you can add your current and past employment relations. For ORCID employment is 'a formal employment relationship between a person and an organization'.
Best practice for researchers of the EUR:
Choosing Erasmus University Rotterdam adds several institutional identifiers of the EUR to your ORCID record, including the ROR ID (Research Organization Registry).
When you connect your ORCID iD and record to Pure, employment information will be added to your ORCID record by the 'EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal'. For other people looking at your ORCID record, this is valuable information: it's a so-called 'trust marker', the 'EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal' will appear as the source of the information, enabling you and others to be confident that this information is authorative and trustworthy.
Education is participation in an academic higher education program to receive an undergraduate, graduate, or other degree. This can be in progress or unfinished.
Qualification is participation in a professional or vocational accreditation, certification, or training program. This can be in progress or unfinished.
In the Professional activities section you can add the invited positions or memberships you have held, awards or prizes you have received, and donations of time and resources given in service of organizations or institutions.
These are the definitions as used by ORCID:
Membership: Paid or gratis membership of a society or association (i.e. does not include honorary memberships and fellowships as defined under Invited Position and Distinctions)
Service: Significant donations of time, money, or other resources to an organization or community. Includes volunteer work such as society officer positions, editorial board member, expert member panel, etc.
Invited positions: An invited non-employment affiliation. The individual may be based at a different organization. This category includes formal acknowledgements of an individual’s academic efforts through honorary titles and/or positions which require no specific service. May be paid or unpaid.
Distinctions: For honorary and other awards, distinctions, and prizes made by an organization in recognition of an individual’s academic or other achievements.
An organization may ask your permission to add information about your affiliation with them, but you can add these activities also manually:
You can add information about funding grants you have received. You can add them via the DimensionsWizard or manually.
Via the DimensionsWizard
If you can't find your grant, it's possible the funder is not covered by Dimensions. A list of the sources can be viewed when you're signed in in your ORCID record, via
Peer review contributions can only be added to your ORCID record by a trusted organization. This can be the organizer of the peer review, such as a publisher of funder, or by a third party review recognition service, such as Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service (formerly Publons). This means you have to provide your ORCID iD to the organizer of the peer review and/or link your Web of Science Researcher profile to your ORCID record. And you have to give the review organizer and/or Web of Science permission to update the review section of your ORCID record.
In your ORCID record, the name of the journal, the review date and your role will be visible. For blind peer reviews, there is no information about the reviewed publication.
Web of Science
Organizer of the peer review
The organizer of the peer review will ask your permission to update your ORCID record with information about your review contribution. When asked, supply your ORCID iD.
You can use the Websites & social links section in your ORCID record to add links to personal pages, for example your Google Scholar Profile, LinkedIn profile, Europe PubMed Central profile, your researcher profile in the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal, ResearchGate etc.
When you connect your ORCID iD and record to Pure, a link to your profile on the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal is added, as 'Erasmus University Rotterdam profile page'.
The ISNI - International Standard Name Identifier - is an identifier used by libraries, databases, and publishers. The goal is to uniquely identify persons and organizations involved in creative activities, including researchers. It's possible to link your ORCID iD to your ISNI:
E-mail the Erasmus Library ORCID Team