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Development Studies

This guide gives an overview of recommended sources for development studies.


This guide gives an overview of recommended sources available at the Erasmus University Library in Rotterdam and the Library of the International Instititute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague: databases, journals and reference works relevant for Development studies.

Please use the tabs on the left to find information for your research and interest. The links in this guide will automatically take you to ERNA-login if this is required for off-campus access. Non-EUR students or employees can use the free, publicly available sources with the Open Access symbol or Available free of charge, no login required symbol behind them. Contact your faculty liaison if you have any comments or questions about this guide, or need further help with your research.

Running trials and free offers for Development Studies

Please contact your faculty liaison if you think any temporary content should be part of our permanent collection. 

Information Skills

Learn how to search, find and manage scholarly information and data in an efficient way. Visit the library's Information Skills guides for more online modules!

  • Build your search profile After finding the search terms for your research topic, you have to combine these search terms in a search profile, establishing specific relationships between the search terms. In library databases and catalogs, this is done using Boolean or logical operators such as AND, OR and NOT.
  • Search techniques Successful searching is largely about being precise. Search techniques can help you search with precision and find what you need.

New (e-)books on development studies & related topics