You can use the library's databases to find current online content of many papers and magazines. The easiest to use for this purpose are Nexis Uni and Gale OneFile: News. Simply click on Sources or Publication Search respectively and search for your preferred newspaper to read the latest issue. For larger searches to conduct analysis of older news and news trends, we recommend Nexis Uni and Factiva. Click on the tabs for detailed instructions for these two databases.
The library also provides online access to:
Alternatively, browse print newspapers and weekly news magazines at the University Library on the ground floor, opposite the Information Desk (West 0). Magazines are placed in magazine racks at the reading desks and updated weekly. In the nearby newspaper stand you can find daily updated newspapers. Titles include, among others: Het Algemeen Dagblad, De Telegraaf, De Volkskrant, and the Guardian weekly.
At ISS newspapers and magazines can be found in the Lounge and journals section of the ISS Library. They include, among others: The Economist, The Guardian, and The Times.
* Access to the NY Times via the Eazy Proxy link or its app requires a one-time registration while connected to the EUR network (on campus or via EduVPN). Register for the NY Times here. If you don't want to register and want to access NY Times at home, switch on EduVPN instead.
** Off campus usage and access through the FT app require an account. Register for FT with your ERNA email address here.
Find archived newspapers and other news sources in one of our many newspaper/news databases, ranging from sources over 100 years old to today's paper. They offer the option to search by subject, by publication, a combination of both, and more. Among these databases are:
Provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers and news channels, as well as leading newspaper titles from around the world. Of almost 50% of the titles the newest editions are available full-text (without photos), including The Economist, Newsweek (as of 1994), The Washington Post (as of 2014), New Delhi Times (as of 2016), Global Times (China, as of 2018) and The Huffington Post (as of 2019).
To find a specific title, use the Advanced search option.
A list of all titles currently available can be downloaded from this page (search for 'Gale OnFile: News').
Database with access to full-text newspaper articles and other news sources (Dutch and international).
Nexis Uni News contains major world publications (for example Financial Times), newspapers (including Dutch newspapers,such as De Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad) and news wires like PR Newswire.
Also included is company information, law reviews and cases
Please note: Legal news, law reviews and legal cases are mostly American.
Date range: The date range and update schedule differs per source. However, as the collection only contains born-digital material, the oldest items are from around 1990.
Related databases: Factiva; Delpher
Full-text coverage of The New York Times (1851-2021), The Wall Street Journal (1889-2013), The Washington Post (1877-2008), and The Times of India (1838-2012).
Each year around December an extra year of content of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Times of India is added to the database.
Related database: Gale Primary Sources: Newspaper archives
Search interface for all Gale newspapers available at EUR. Click 'Newspapers' to search in all or a selection of titles. Available are:
- The Economist, 1843-2015
- Financial Times Historical Archive 1888-2016
- The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003
- The Independent Historical Archive 1986-2016
- International Herald Tribune Historical Archive, 1888-2013
- The Telegraph Historical Archive 1855-2016
- The Times, 1785-2019
Gale Digital Scholar Lab offers advanced text analysis tools to use on a self-made selection of articles from these newspapers.
Related database: ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Provides access to content from periodicals and news media from 1980 up to today, both text based as well as audiovisual. More than 40% of the content is unique to the database.
A key feature of the Advanced Search option is that you can filter on very specific document (=content) types: from Advertisement and Aerial photography to Speech and Television programs. A list of all titles currently available in this database can be downloaded from this page (search for 'Gale General OneFile').
Access New York Times content curated by influential educators around the world. Find a variety of teaching resources by subject, such as recommended articles and real life teaching applications.
To access log in with your NY Times account, or access the resource on campus (or EduVPN / FortiClient connection).