Click the name of the database or other resource. You will find a step-by-step guide on how to export reference to RefWorks. (Inclusief Nederlandse uitleg.)
NL | ENG |
NL | ENG |
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Instructions for Brill Online and Edward Elgar (Elgar Online)
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Instructions for Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Web of Science.
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export, title by title.
NL | ENG |
Instructions for Africa-Wide Information, Business Source Premier, CINAHL, Communication Source, EBSCO, EBSCOhost eBooks, GreenFILE, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA), Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts (Lista), Open Dissertations, Regional Business News, Teacher Reference Center.
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL - meerdere hoofdstukken* | ENG - several chapters* |
* Not available for Reference works. See ScienceDirect for instructions after opening a chapter
Method: Manual
NL - gehele boek | ENG - entire book |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Instructions for Gale Databases, such as Chatham House Online Archive, Gale Power Search, Gale One File, Gale eBooks, Gale Primary Sources, Gale Literary Sources, The Times Digital Archive, and more.
Method: Direct Export, title by title.
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct export, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export, title by title.
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export, title by title.
NL | ENG |
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Instructions for Catalogus Epistolarum Neerlandicarum (CEN), Nederlandse Centrale Catalogus NCC/Dutch Central Catalogue, Online Contents, PiCarta, sEURch, Short Title Catalogue Netherlands (STCN), and WorldCat
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Als u één titel wilt opslaan, ga direct naar stap 4
If you want to save one title, go directly to step 4
Method: Direct Export, title by title.
NL | ENG |
Instructions for APA Handbooks in Psychology, MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycINFO
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Instructions for Oxford Academic, Oxford Journals, Oxford Books, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford Scholarship
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
Bulk import is only possible if you have an account for PhilPapers.
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Instructions for EconLit, ERIC Database, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Philosopher's Index, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, ProQuest Historical Newspapers, ProQuest One Business, PTSDpubs, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts.
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Instructions for RePub, Erasmus University Thesis Repository
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Instructions for SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Knowledge, SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO)
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
Bulk import is only possible if you have an account for SAGE.
NL | ENG |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL - vanuit de zoekresultaten | ENG - from the search results |
NL - als een artikel of hoofdstuk geopend is | ENG - when an article or chapter is open on the screen |
Method: Import
NL | ENG |
Instructions for SpringerLink, PalGrave Macmillan
Method: Import, title by title
NL | ENG |
*Als je een heel boek wilt citeren is het makkelijker om de DOI te gebruiken om het handmatig toe te voegen |
*If you want to cite a complete book it is easier to use the DOI to add it manually |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Import, title by title*
NL | ENG |
*This method often misses important data. Adding a reference manually and using the DOI to automatically find missing information could be faster and more complete.
Instructions for AnthroSource, Blackwell encyclopedias, Wiley Online Library.
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export, title by title.
NL | ENG |
Method: Direct Export
NL | ENG |