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Enhancing your academic visibility & profile: YOU in Pure

YOU in Pure

On the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal, you will find publications, information on researchers and research units, collaborations, and other research related activities connected to the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC. All research information on the EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal is registered and managed in the Pure Repository.  

As an EUR researcher, you automatically receive an account for Pure and a profile page on the ‘EUR & Erasmus MC Research Information Portal’. This profile page is connected to your ‘People Page’ on the website of the EUR (available via and via the website of your school). If you leave the EUR, your Pure profile will be removed, but your publications remain in Pure. 

Your name, position, school and department are automatically added to the profile page. You can add additional information to your page:

  • Your picture
  • An academic biography, this is shown under ‘Research Interests’. Here you can add information about your research interests (topics, methodology) and career. The EUR created a workbook that can help you write your academic bio.
  • Additional links, for example a link to your personal website or your LinkedIn profile.
  • Your ORCID iD. You can also make a connection between your Pure profile and your ORCID. Then your affiliation, a link to the profile page and, if applicable, your works are added to your ORCID record automatically. In the ORCID LibGuide you can find more information.
  • Research outputs
  • Activities, like presentations or editiorial work
  • Prizes
  • Press/media items
  • Datasets

Adding this information will make it easier for people interested in your work – colleagues, future collaborators, funders, the general public -, to find you and your work online.

To add information: 

  • Go to or go to, scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Log in to Pure’
  • Login via SURFconext, using your ERNA account
  • Click Edit profile
  • Then you can add a profile photo, links, add your ORCID iD and make the connection between Pure and ORCID.

Please note: some information is derived from HR data and can’t be edited.

Research outputs in Pure

Many publications are added to Pure by the registration team of the University Library. You can add missing publications. The fastest way is via the Quick Submit functionality: you need to upload the full text of your publication and enter the title. The library team will then process the publication, and your faculty will check and validate the publication. After validation the publication will be visible on the Portal.

You can also add publications by importing from an online source – available are Scopus, SSRN, PubMed, Web of Science and Unpaywall. If your publication is not available in one of these sources you can add it manually by using a template. Some metadata fields are mandatory.

Open Access

If possible, make your publications open access. Open access publications are more likely to be found and accessed by researchers, students, and the general public. The Erasmus University supports Open Access through the Taverne Amendment (Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act). The published versions of all short scientific works by employees of Erasmus University Rotterdam, that have not been published Open Access in a journal, will automatically be made publicly available 6 months after the first publication in the institutional repository. Therefor it's important to provide the library with the full text of your publication, by uploading it in Pure.
