EDSC tips & tricks

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profile-icon Suraya Farah Gaeta

Many students come to the EDSC asking where they can find specific financial ratios, such as Tobin’s Q, on Eikon Datastream. While not hard to find for those familiar with the Eikon Excel add-on, this might not be immediately intuitive for new users.

When a particular variable is not available in the list of Datatypes, you can use the ‘Expressions’ to find alternative variables, such as financial ratios, via the ‘Expression Picker’ or create your own using the ‘Expression Builder’.

There are two ways to access the ‘Expressions’ button:

1. From the top navigation bar on Excel, under the 'Refinitiv Eikon Datastream' ribbon.
This is a useful way to retrieve the code and view the formula. 

Datastream Expression button via Excel navigation menu



2. Or by using the ‘Expression Picker’ button on the Time Series Request form.
This is useful when opting to apply the code to a list of companies within a specific time/frequency.

Datastream Time Series search form














Once you click on the ‘Expressions’ button, in order to find Tobin’s Q, click on the plus sign next to ‘Datastream’, ‘Ratios’ and ‘Equity Ratios’ on the left-hand side column of the ‘Expression Picker’ tab. 

Datastream provides two codes and their respective formulas to calculate Tobin’s Q for individual companies.

  • Version 2 uses the expression code 170E and uses the following formula to calculate Tobin's Q:  X(DWEV)/X(DWTA)*1.000.
  • The expression code 168E which uses the following formula to calculate Tobin's Q:   

List of variables available via the Datastream Expression Picker.











The formulas and their descriptions can also be edited using the ‘Expression Builder’ to meet your data needs:

Editing an Expression formula via de Expression Builder.

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profile-icon Arjan De Wit
No Subjects

Once you are finished downloading you might end up with a lot of sheets containing formulas. If you want to replace your formulas by values in all sheets at once you can use this macro.

Make sure you don't have any filters enabled in your dataset.

Sub All_Cells_In_All_WorkSheets_1()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        With sh.UsedRange
            .Cells.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
        End With
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Next sh
End Sub

Sub All_Cells_In_All_WorkSheets_2()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        With sh.UsedRange
            .Value = .Value
        End With
    Next sh
End Sub


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profile-icon Arjan De Wit
No Subjects

Sometimes when you try to export to Excel nothing happens. Try the following solution: hit "Alt-D", go to "Legacy Terminal Defaults",  then "Setup" and edit "Download Setup". Choose your Desktop or Download folder.

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profile-icon Arjan De Wit
No Subjects

Looking for the event study tool by WRDS? It's no longer available under "Subscription". Probably because some parts require access to data that's not part of our subscription.

But the "U.S. Daily Event Study: Upload your own events" option is still available. Visit https://wrds-www-wharton-upenn-edu.eur.idm.oclc.org/pages/get-data/event-study-wrds/us-daily-event-study-Upload-your-own-events/


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profile-icon Arjan De Wit
No Subjects

Thirteen new ESG Scores measures have been added to Datastream.

Thomson Reuters ESG Scores are an enhancement and replacement for the existing equally weighted ASSET4 ratings. They reflect Thomson Reuters’ new strategic ESG framework. Thomson Reuters ESG Scores are calculated and available for all companies and historical fiscal periods in the ESG Global Coverage, consisting of 6,000+ public companies globally.

Below are the corresponding Datastream datatypes, titles and definitions:

DS Datatype DS Title DS Definition
TRESGS ESG Score ESG Score is an overall company score based on the self-reported information in the environmental, social and corporate governance pillars.
TRESGCS ESG Combined Score ESG Combined Score is an overall company score based on the reported information in the environmental, social and corporate governance pillars (ESG Score) with an ESG Controversies overlay.
TRESGCCS ESG Controversies Score ESG Controversies Score measures a company’s exposure to environmental, social and governance controversies and negative events reflected in global media.
TRESGENRRS Resource Use Score Resource Use Score reflects a company’s performance and capacity to reduce the use of materials, energy or water, and to find more eco-efficient solutions by improving supply chain management.
TRESGENERS Emissions Score Emissions Score measures a company’s commitment to and effectiveness in reducing environmental emission in the production and operational processes.
TRESGENPIS Environmental Innovation Score Environmental Innovation Score reflects a company’s capacity to reduce the environmental costs and burdens for its customers, thereby creating new market opportunities through new environmental technologies and processes or eco-designed products.
TRESGCGBDS Management Score Management Score measures a company’s commitment to and effectiveness in following best practice corporate governance principles.
TRESGCGSRS Shareholders Score Shareholders Score measures a company’s effectiveness in the equal treatment of shareholders and the use of anti-takeover devices.
TRESGCGVSS CSR Strategy Score CSR Strategy Score reflects a company’s practices to communicate that it incorporates the economic (financial), social and environmental dimensions in its day-to-day decision-making processes.
TRESGSOWOS Workforce Score Workforce Score measures a company’s effectiveness towards job satisfaction, healthy and safe workplace, maintaining diversity and equal opportunities, and development opportunities for its workforce.
TRESGSOHRS Human Rights Score Human Rights Score measures a company’s effectiveness in respecting the fundamental human rights conventions.
TRESGSOCOS Community Score Community Score measures the company’s commitment to being a good citizen, protecting public health and respecting business ethics.
TRESGSOPRS Product Responsibility Score Product Responsibility Score reflects a company’s capacity to produce quality goods and services, incorporating the customer’s health and safety, integrity and data privacy.

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profile-icon Arjan De Wit
No Subjects

Datasets in WRDS are not updated in real time. Most databases have a 1 year delay. Check the “Data Update Calendar” in WRDS to see when datasets get updated 

This calendar provides up-to-date information on the status, coverage, and frequency of updates for all datasets available on WRDS.: https://wrds-web.wharton.upenn.edu/wrds/support/update_calendar.cfm

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profile-icon Suraya Farah Gaeta
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Sometimes you see negative stock prices in CRSP. This means that there was no closing price available for that period. Instead, the bid/ask average was used. To distinguish the bid/ask averages from actual closing prices, CRSP puts a leading dash in front of the price when the bid/ask average was used. If neither price nor bid/ask average is available, Price or Bid/Ask Average is set to zero.

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profile-icon Suraya Farah Gaeta
No Subjects

In this example we'll show you some of the new functions of the WRDS conditional statement builder in Compustat. We’ll use an example that shows how to select a SIC range.

First, in step 2 select “Search the entire database”


If you try to activate the conditional statement builder and you haven’t selected any variables yet, you”ll get the following error message.



So first select variables that you want to use in the conditional statement builder. In this example we select “SIC — Standard Industry Classification Code” and “CONML — Company Legal Name”



Now you can create a conditional statement. Add a rule and specify that  the company name starts with an A, add a group and add a rule where you specify that the sic code starts with a 2. Add another rule to this group and specify that the sic code starts with a 3. Within this group select “OR”. The query preview should look like this:



The end result of your query is a list of companies with sic >= 2000 and sic <=3999 (sic starts with 2 or 3) and the company name starts with an A.


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profile-icon Arjan De Wit
No Subjects

When you download stock data from Datastream the closing price (datatype P) is repeated when the exchange was closed due to a holiday, like Christmas. If you don't want this 'padded data', you can use the datatype P#S to prevent the data is repeated

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profile-icon Arjan De Wit
No Subjects

A comprehensive set of new fundamental datatypes is now available for Datastream Global Equity indices and equities. The data is sourced from Worldscope and based on a trailing twelve month period if applicable. The data represents the sum of the relevant item reported in the last twelve months. From the fiscal period 2002, the items are populated from the quarterly, semi-annual and trimester time series based on the availability of the underlying data. The new 4 character datatypes can be used with the Datastream Global Equity indices and also all companies covered by Worldscope on Datastream.

CAPEX (Datastream Worldscope) DWCX
Common / Shareholders Equity (Datastream Worldscope) DWSE
EBIT (Datastream Worldscope) DWEB
EBITDA (Datastream Worldscope) DWED
Enterprise Value (Datastream Worldscope) DWEV
Enterprise Value/ EBITDA (Datastream Worldscope) DWEE
Free Cash Flow (Datastream Worldscope) DWFC
Interest Charge Coverage (Datastream Worldscope) DWIC
Net (Profit) Margin (Datastream Worldscope) DWNM
Net Debt (Datastream Worldscope) DWND
Net Profit (Income) (Datastream Worldscope) DWNP
Number of Employees (Datastream Worldscope) DWEN
Return on Equity (Datastream Worldscope) DWRE
Sales (Datastream Worldscope) DWSL
Total Assets (Datastream Worldscope) DWTA

With these data types you can, for example, request sales for an entire industry in Datastream.

For example for the “Healthcare Industry in The Netherlands”. You can enter via “Series / Lists” HLTHCNL, for Europe: HLTHCER or for the World: HLTHCWD. With datatype you enter DWSL for the Sales.

You can for example use these Industry Codes to create an Index:

Basic Materials: BMATR
Consumer Goods: CNSMG
Consumer Services: CNSMS
Financials: FINAN
Healthcare: HLTHC
Industrials: INDUS
Oil & Gas: OILGS
Technology: TECNO
Telecommunication: TELCM
Utilities: UTILS

It is also possible to adjust the above industry codes so that you can request the underlying constituents in Datastream. You can do that like this:

Example for the Netherlands: LHLTHCNL
L= List
HLTHC= Industry code Healthcare
NL= Netherlands

Example for the Europe: G#LHLTHCER
G#L= Global List
HLTHC= Industry code Healthcare
ER= Europe

Example for the World: G#LHLTHCWD
G#L= Global List
HLTHC= Industry code Healthcare
WD= World

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