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Instructors' guide: Introduction


The Information Skills team of the University Library offers a broad collection of modules (topics) for students ranging from bachelors to PhD candidates. These contain short texts, videos, exercises, hand-outs, and links to related materials. All modules are freely available in the Information skills portfolio and can easily be added to Canvas.

This guide helps you to decide which information skills you could offer your students and how to embed (parts of) these modules in your Canvas courses, where relevant and when needed. Also hands-on workshops still are an option.

The result should be more information literate students knowing how to effectively and responsibly make use of various types of information and data, and thereby - hopefully - producing assignments of a higher quality! 

Watch the video Information skills. Who benefits? (3:15) featuring EUR professor Rolf Zwaan (Prof. of Biological and Cognitive Psychology at the Institute of Psychology). He gives examples why an increased awareness of information skills benefits students and instructors.

Books on information literacy at the library


More library sources to embed in your courses: